zen shiatsu Asharum Amonines België


When you come into emptiness through meditative rest, you simultaneously come into contact with your inner core in the fullness of your own existence. Your innermost being knows no end and no beginning, it is infinite.

Shiatsu, breathing therapy and yoga, all three increase body awareness and bring you into contact with your essence

In that contact you will find peace, inner joy and fulfillment.

I would like to invite you for a journey to that core.

The yoga classes are great. The way in which Katelijn guides you through the exercises is very subtle and with great effect. She has a very clear way of explaining and presenting the exercises – also of the pitfalls – her words speak to the imagination and at the same time have a very direct influence and effect on the physical experience.

I am still completely enjoying the weekend. It was really nice. Precisely because it was so intensive, both physically and mentally, I feel completely reset. I did also really threw my social media off my phone and I think that I have finally found the button that brings rest in my life.


Now home I enjoy the intensive yoga of the past few days. Yoga – and the muscle aches now – has helped me to arrive in my body, to feel that I am inhabiting my body again. Very nice. That was exactly what I needed, thank you very much!


Under the professional, clear and gentle care of Katelijn I can do the exercises well and in relaxation. The next day I experienced the beneficial space in my body and also some points of interest in the form of mild muscle pain. An encouragement to go work with that!

I am really impressed with the yoga classes and the clear and interesting explanation. I enjoy it al lot to know which movement belongs to which meridian. I also really like the pace; calm and attentive. The personal attention makes it very special. I will definitely join again next time!


This Japanese form of massage brings ki (life energy) in motion and supports the self-healing ability.

Shiatsu therapy is beneficial for:

  • Pain complaints (such as headache, migraine and back pain),
  • Stress and tension complaints
  • Sleeping problems
  • Fatigue, stress, burnout
  • Digestive complaints
  • Joint complaints
  • Shoulder-, neck and back problems (CANS/RSI)
  • Menstrual pain
  • Menopausal complaints
  • Mental and emotional imbalance


By experiencing deep relaxation in different poses, a new body awareness is created. This helps to resolve physical complaints.

Yoga is beneficial for:

  • Improving your posture
  • Upper and lower back complaints
  • Shoulder, neck and arm complaints (RSI)
  • Sleeping problems
  • Fatigue

Connected Breathing

Opening your breath has an effect on body and mind. It cleanses your body and removes toxins. And brings movement into fixed thinking patterns.

Connected breathing is beneficial for:

  • Pain complaints (such as headache, migraine and back pain),
  • Sleeping problems
  • Stress and tension complaints
  • Fatigue, stress, burnout
  • Gloom, depression
  • Suppressed anger, stuck emotions
  • Feelings of fear
  • Hyperventilation, asthma and bronchitis
  • Addictions